How to store christmas decorSo, it’s mid-February, and I’m a little behind on packing up the Christmas decorations. Errrr, okay, maybe more than a little. But in my defence, Christmas is awesome. Yup, that’s all I got.

I did manage to get the tree stripped and stockings dismounted by mid-Jan, but then they just sat there. And sat. And mocked me. And sat a little longer.


The tree…mocking me.

Before this year we stored all of the decorations in shabby cardboard boxes without labels or much of any order to them. So I figured, since I made them wait so long to be put away, I should at least make an effort to organize them this year. So this past week I got my act together to pack them away.

I recently made an order through Simon’s Department Store – a Quebec-based company – for a much coveted rabbit-fur blanket (it’s like being snuggled by dozens of toothless-zombie bunnies). While ordering these, they gave me the option of adding extra gift boxes for free. So I ordered 3 extra at no charge – figuring they’d come in handy for future gifts – but it wasn’t until this past week that I was able to find the perfect project for them.

fur blanket

My lovely bunny blanket.

The great thing about gift boxes is that they come with lots of tissue paper to help protect decorations as well as cute little elasticized bows that keep the boxes from busting open.




Ta da!! Labelled, tied, and ready for storage!

So if you’re suffering from post-Christmas denial like me, here’s a little organizing task to help you move on, stylishly. Until next year that is (only 307 day, 3 hrs, and 28 minutes until Christmas!!!)…